Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lots of stuff...

Crazy stuff going around in my head as of late...

Need to start exercising again. It's gotta happen.

Need to start making my time for me more meaningful. I spend a crazy amount of time escaping from the chaos that is the Mellenthin home but I am not sure I am making that time count for anything. I want it too!

I have been reading this blog I recently found and I believe that it is changing me. I mean, I know you have to choose to change, but I really think this might actually be the catalyst to make the change. The blog is She has started a journey with her family. It is inspirational to read. I actually even bought the book Crazy Love by Pastor somebody or other and am committed to read the book. I want to be more committed to be more Christlike. I want people to know when they meet me that I am a Christian and I am living my life the way Christ taught us too. Sometimes I wonder how apparent that is in my everyday. I'm not sure it is.

I haven't written on here in quite a long time and much has happened in our home.

In April of 2010 my husbands' very best friend for High School had a tragic accident that has resulted in a traumatic brain injury.

We chose in August to allow him to come live in our home. We felt that it was the only realistic option for him.

When the decision was made it was made on the contingency that I could reevaluate every 30 days if it was working and we could move him home to his parents in Idaho if it wasn't.

This has been a hard time for me.

The first 2 months were great.

He had regular therapy scheduled and although he can't communicate very well he can do most things on his own.

He was upbeat and determined to heal his brain by hard work.

He tried hard.

He did really well with my kids.

This was a hard adjustment for him.

He has had some hard months of late.

He is depressed a lot and short tempered.

This has been hard on me.

I want to fix it.

I can't.

We are all doing the best we can and I know that.

In the past week he has rallied and is much more upbeat and I am crossing my fingers that this will continue until we can find him an apartment to live in and a job that will keep him somewhat busy.

This is a very condensed version.

There have been many highs a lows.

Hopefully, if I continue to write on a regular basis I can explain more of how things are progressing.

There is still very far to go.

He will never be where he was and we will most likely have to continue to help him with the day to day things for the rest of his life. We didn't know when we were making the choice to let him move in that we were committing to this.

We have discussed it and decided if we had known we would have made the same choice.

I am going to really try and be more diligent about writing on here. It is therapeutic for me. Please don't feel the need to read it. I am sure for most of you it is quite boring. For that, I am sorry.